I was born in the city of Porto Lucena – RS, and before I was one year old my parents moved to Santa Rosa, the town where I lived all my childhood and most of my teenage. Good memories come from my literacy with teacher Alzira, the good times with Dom Bosco, and the 9 years of ballet with Margot de Fishli.
It is interesting that the entire basis of my prep and friendship relationships comes from that time and is perpetuated to the present day.
I moved to the capital Porto Alegre to start my professional life, beginning with the choice of college, something that was not trivial in my case, in which I thought about Veterinary, Pharmacy, and Physics and ended up in Computer Science. I have always admired those who from an early age already knew very well what they would be, usually doctors, lawyers, and dentists, who prepared, focused and, for the most part, became successful professionals.
Today I realize that there is no single formula for building a profession. You can focus early on a single goal or even seek continuous improvements that open up many possibilities for new jobs.
Thus, in my professional journey, I started with IT, where I had my own company, passing through the Brazilian Army, as a Lieutenant, where early on I worked in team leadership, then entered a career in Project Management at HP. It was at HP that I met the PMI (Project Management Institute), I got certified in PMP (Project Management Professional), where I was ranked 50,000 in the world, a milestone at the time, which was celebrated at a Global Congress in San Antonio/TX, in which I was kindly invited and honored. Since then, I have engaged in the volunteer activity of this non-profit institution, passing through several Boards in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro, including the presidency of the chapter.
From HP, I went to Tlantic, Sonae Group in Portugal, when I took on the role of Area Manager, leading a team of 48 people, when I also finished my Masters Degree in Computer Science (UFRGS) and MBA in Business Strategy (ESPM). The Master’ss degree with PMP certification paved the way for me to teach MBAs at numerous institutions, such as PUC, Unisinos, ESPM, Estácio Mackenzie and BBI.
Up until that point, my experience was in Software Factories, with a focus on systems development, when I was invited to work at CA (Computer Associate), shifting the focus to business solution delivery for customers, working on products such as Service Exposure (API Gateway), Portfolio Management, Information Security and DevOps solutions. For CA, I had the opportunity to move from Porto Alegre to Rio de Janeiro, to attend the company's largest project at the time, managing Petrobras; portfolio.
At that time, I started to invest in leadership training, such as Coach training, PMI’s Global Leadership Training Program, the PMI MasterClass. In my class, there were 35 people from 19 countries. This was a fantastic opportunity to learn about global leadership! I also participated in CA’s 12- month global leaders training program.
In the last 4 years of CA, I had the opportunity to work on the Government in the Palm (Palma da Mão) Program, which dealt with digital transformation in Governments, further deepening the experience in the agility of teams and organizations, where it became clearer to me the challenge of culture (mindset) when it comes to transformations.
When I left CA, I started to invest in what I believe to be the professional of the future, which several studies point in this direction, that is, professional as a provider of multiple services in a GIG Economy. I invested in international training in Madrid on Systemic Cultural Transformation (SCT), and I was the managing partner of Aleia Solutions in Business Transformations, focusing on Business, Digital, and Cultural transformation solutions in organizations. I was the co-founder and mentor of Startup Kultua, which provides “employee experience” services, through a platform that promotes the connection between employees of a company and themselves with the purpose and brand of the company in question (Agile Culture), in addition to being a partner of DC (Dinsmore Comapass), in the LDA (Leader of the Digital Age) certification program, which aims to empower and support leaders who currently face the challenge of a digital transformation journey. Still, as a volunteer, I was Head of JornadaCast (PodCast) and Head of Business and Culture of Collaborative Journey, Brazilian Ambassador and Trustee of the Global Access Agile community, and co-host of the Agile World Portuguese Broadcast.
I worked in the VMO team of Grupo Globo’s Digital Hub, as an Enterprise Agile Coach, where I had the opportunity to use my “toolbox” to support the organization in the challenges of delivering value, with the pillars of Scaled Agile and Business Agility.
I have been living in Spain since November 2022, I work at eDreams, the largest travel platform with the subscription model, following my purpose of supporting teams and organizations to achieve high performance, and optimizing the delivery of value!
Amid all these initiatives, I am the mother of Natália, with whom I try to assist daily. And all this is possible thanks to the family base, which my husband makes possible for me.
But, when you love what you do, work and leisure merge, making a unique and pleasurable journey possible!

Based on my experience and knowledge acquired during my career, I offer a set of Workshops, as well as lectures on topics related to Agility, Digital and Culture.
As a DA Trainer, I teach DASSM, DAC and DAVSC Workshops.
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